Taekwondo Podcast

Episode 12 - The importance of a Taekwondo specific S&C program with Max Chyna

April 04, 2022 Taekwondo Podcast Season 1 Episode 12

    Coach Max Chyna and his colleagues at Sporthalle Wien are a national reference in Austria for S&C. He works with the top athletes from the Wien Taekwondo Centre, several Olympic teams and professional athletes.

  In this episode, Coaches César Valentim and Max Chyna talk about his Strength and Conditioning programs, sharing some of his methods and secrets for success.

  Listen to his insights on  S&C for Taekwondo and how he works with high-performance athletes.

  This podcast is supported by Hawkin Dynamics, Firstbeat Sports and Athlete Analyzer! 

 Visit our Instagram @taekwondopodcast and Facebook @taekwondocast 

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Have you been looking for a Taekwondo Podcast with qualified people, who know what they're talking about, who help you keep up with everything going on in the Taekwondo World? Well you found it. This is the Taekwondo Podcast. Taekwondo news, competitions and other events, training and sports science, keeping the fans, coaches and high performance athletes up to date with the latest news and trends in Olympic Taekwondo. Let’s do this! This is the Taekwondo Podcast. And now your hosts Coach César Valentim and Peter Nestler.

Coach César Valentim (00:37)
Hello and welcome to the Taekwondo Podcast. We are a podcast based out of Austria in English language for everyone out there who likes Taekwondo. In this episode we talk with S&C coach Maximilian Chyna from Austria, sports scientist, sport and conditioning  coach. 
Welcome to our podcast, I am coach César Valentim and with me is coach Maximilian Chyna. Hi Max, how are you?

Coach Max Chyna (01:01)
Hi César, thanks for having me. I’m fine, I hope you too and I’m really happy to be here on your podcast and looking forward to talking with you. 

Coach César Valentim (01:11)
For those who are listening and don’t know who you are, could you please tell us a bit about yourself?

Coach Max Chyna (01:32)
Alright, so my name is Max Chyna and I’m born and raised in Vienna, Austria and I also studied here. I played a lot of basketball in my upcoming years and tried different sports. Due to my studies I came to the point where I started to work as a sports scientist in the field of diagnostics and also working with athletes. Due to this process we came in touch and I also came in touch with the sport of Taekwondo. For this moment I am working with several athletes from different sports and it gives me a lot of perspective to look at S&C from different angles and see similarities between sports and differences and accordingly create solutions that work in the field.

Coach César Valentim (02:54)
You’ve been working, of course with my athletes for a few years now, we have had an interesting cooperation. We also hosted many athletes from other countries, you had a chance of seeing them in work and you had the possibility of also working with them for short periods of time when they were our guests and this next question is a question I already asked another guest, but since we haven’t heard this interview at the time of this recording it’s really fair to ask you this, what is the single most important physical ability for a Taekwondo athlete?

Coach Max Chyna (03:28)
So, a very interesting question and also a tough one to single it down. From the perspective of S&C I would say the most important physical ability is to produce a lot of force in a very short period of time or very quickly.  So to produce force very quickly at precise moments. 

Coach César Valentim (04:00)
We are talking about power, then?

Coach May Chyna (04:01)
Yes, so you can sum it up as power at precise moments. 

Coach César Valentim (04:06)
When you approach the S&C program in Taekwondo -also in other sports- what are the first steps you take?

Coach Max Chyna (04:14)
The first steps will always be assessing so you are not guessing. I think it goes very nicely to say it like this. And the other things are not primarily S&C based. So first assessing, looking at the schedule and the timeline and most importantly the goal setting, because everything we will be doing needs to be purposeful. So we are not working because we think we can do this or we need to improve this or that, it needs to be an exact goal.

Coach César Valentim ( 05:13)
So basically athletes when they come to you, they are already on a level where they are focused on high level competition. So you don’t work with beginners, you work with high level athletes. So setting a goal in terms of competition goals, periodization per se you have a different objective as someone who starts S&C with beginners. That’s not your case. You are working with the top athletes. When you set up the programs with them, what is most important for you to analyse: their previous experience with S&C or do you like to start from scratch and do it all over, start from bilateral  movements, how do you prefer to start?

Coach Max Chyna (05:54)
Ok, very interesting, really depends on the individual. I think training history will still be the most important part because we don’t need to start from scratch. We can save time if the athlete has already worked through a variety of movement patterns and we can use them from the first training session. So I don’t need to build this up. Also if the athlete has a very good base strength then we can already start with more dynamic movements and don’t need the time to build up all the capacity. So after looking at the training history I will still go through certain assessments to determine the status quo to then start the periodisation for the training goal. We are not jumping into different weights or percentages of -lets say 1RM- because I want to work very specifically.

Coach César Valentim (07:15)
When you get the athletes and you got the chance of working with athletes that were very recent in our team, they came from other teams and you assessed for muscular asymmetry, mobility issues, muscular imbalance, what is the first thing you like to correct?

Coach Max Chyna (07:25)
So, looking at Taekwondo, because the sport demands a dominant side I will always be looking at differences at the lower limbs, because we like to be at about 95% similarity in strength or power aspects. So through different protocols I like to look at the lower limb output of the athlete and work form there. 

Coach César Valentim (08:13)
When you’ve started building the S&C program for the Taekwondo teams in Vienna what were  your original steps? How did you see it yourself, like a 6 months, 1 year, 2 year goal in terms of S&C development?

Coach Max Chyna (08:23)
For this program here I wanted to build up a lot of capacity first. So we did a lot of basic movements, we started bilateral at first and tried to build up a lot of basic strength through the basic movements to then later on – and we will be talking about consistency, this program took 3 months, it is not just a 4 week program. So the athletes need to endure that and then it gets fun, you can say, because then we get to transition to unilateral movements and movements or exercises that hit multiple plains so we are not so one dimensional and if we try to get more and more sports specific, we need to hit those. Taekwondo is not a sport that is in one plain. If we take other sports, primarily strength sports, lets say a power lifter, there’s no rotation component, but in Taekwondo there is a lot of rotation. But anyway the rotation, all the unilateral stuff will be later on in the periodization for the athletes. We need to work in the beginning, except if the training history is already there. We need to build up a lot of basic strength and bilateral movements are a good way to do that. So we hit the basics, stay consistent and we just look at the parameters of volume, frequency and intensity and be consistent. And after a certain time it gets fun.

Coach César Valentim (10:50)
The athletes in higher level when they are already in competition , especially the ones doing the Olympic ranking events, they have competitions every week, every second week, how do you integrate your physical, your S&C coaching into their program and what are the physical abilities you focus on the most during the competition season?

Coach Max Chyna (11:08)
Yes, that is a nice transition, because right before we talked about the beginning and I said it gets fun and when the competition starts it gets fun. The most important part would be speed strength and power output and most of the times – or not most of the times- it needs to be in a little bit lesser volume, because Taekwondo training will be in a higher demand in those competition prep phases. So the communication with the head coach will be very important to give the athletes enough rest. They also have to make their weight. The S&C is just an accessory, an important one, non the less. So with fewer sessions and less volume we try to hit more intensity, more speed to get the best strength onto the mat.

Coach César Valentim (12:25)
It’s a bit awkward to ask you these questions since we train together, work on the periodization, so obviously I know the answers and the questions I am asking are mostly for the listeners than for myself. Of course I also want to know, but in your opinion an athlete that every second week has a big competition, how often should they train S&C?

Coach Max Chyna (12:51)
Again, it’s a very boring answer but it depend because different athletes have different work capacities. Some athletes might only need one single session in their prep week to have their neurological system ready, just get in the weight room, hit big weights just for a few reps and sets or move a light load very quickly and another athlete might need a second one to really be in the zone. So I suggest talking directly to the athlete or to the head coach to plan this out. From my perspective one to two sessions is enough. Hose sessions don’t need to be long and exhausting-  I think that’s an important part in this competition or lets  call it “in-season phase”, because we have one competition, a short amount of time, next competition. And it’s not about exhausting your body where you need to fully regenerate. So you will hit the gym and you will have intensity, it’s important, but you don’t hit the same point of exhaustion like you do in the off-season training. That’s a totally different pair of shoes. 

Coach César Valentim (14:36)
You said that it is important to talk to the athlete and with the head coach. So how important do you think is the connection between the S&C coach and the head coach?

Coach Max Chyna (14:45)
I think its an important bond because as an S&C coach, not only in Taekwondo actually in many sports, we are an accessory to the head coach. The head coach has the whole schedule and timeline and they-or you- have periodization yourself. Since Taekwondo is not a strength sport, it’s a combat sport with a very high demand for tactical and technical skills and strength is just an addition to it, an enhancement of everything you do. In the same way the job of the S&C coach is an addition to the head coach. So the communication is important because you don’t  want to interrupt the periodization of the head coach, you want to collaborate, work together and get to the goal. And it needs the right dosage and the dosage is dependant on the Taekwondo training actually.

Coach César Valentim (16:20)
Do you think it is important for the technical head coach to understand the key aspects of S&C or are you used to – not only in Taekwondo also in other sports- to adapt to what their doing? Do you even know what they are doing in their normal training? 

Coach Max Chyna (16:34)
Interesting. It doesn’t need to be but it definitely helps. So if we are on the same page when talking about development or adaptations it just definitely helps. Because in different phases if I am trying to build up the athlete’s endurance capacity and the head coach is doing the same but is labelling it differently so we are not talking in the same language, and we just overwork the athlete with a lot of endurance training in this phase its not purposeful. So it definitely helps if the head coach also knows what we are doing and also knows how adaptations work. Some parts of your Taekwondo training are also, it’s not only technical or tactical, it’s also power development, it’s also endurance, it's hidden somewhere in your training. And if you know this as a head coach and communicate with your S&C coach you can improve the adaptations you would like to see and you can also improve resting times or adaptation phases for your athletes, because you don’t overwork them then.

Coach César Valentim (18:33)
It’s maybe also a little easier, in case of our projects in Vienna. We do have a lot of data and since I am a data driven Taekwondo coach and you are a quite data driven S&C coach, we do have access to the hawkin dynamics force plates, both in the Taekwondo setting and the S&C setting. We share periodization and training plans through a cloud platform that actually are partners of our podcast the “Athlete Analyzer” that allows us to remotely see what the other coach is doing, adapt and analyse the players and the training plans. But in our case the Taekwondo sessions are always considering the days of the S&C sessions. Does it happen with the other sports as well that the technical-tactical training takes that into consideration? Or is it the other way round, as an S&C you have to understand what the head coach is doing and adapt your training to their sessions?

Coach Max Chyna (19:24)
This varies from sport to sport. I would say that most of the times I am in the position to adapt to the sports specific trainings schedule and look at the competition plan, at the frequency of their sports-specific training and the timeline in the season to then adapt the S&C training. Of course with communication to the head coach, but most of the time I am the one to adapt to the whole process. It’s suboptimal, I would say, I would prefer it to be in the best way to be discussed from both sides, so we communicate first and integrate both trainings, the sports specific and the S&C, very well. You should never forget that certain adaptations that you want need certain frequencies or certain volumes from the athletes and there are certain times where some coaches ask for certain adaptations, but the schedules that they are giving to their S&C coaches are far from possible to achieve those adaptations. For example if they want to drive their maximum strength prior to their most important competition phase, and they only give a schedule of one S&C training a week because they need all the other time for their sports specific training-totally understandable, sports specific comes first- I ca work with athletes one time a week but we might not get the adaptations you ask for. And this might be clear also for the head coaches. And this starts with communication. And in the best case after communicating we can integrate the whole periodization for the athletes and say ok we cant give the athletes , say 22 sessions in the week, that’s utopia, but we can work with, let’s say 10 sessions per week and we might decrease the demand in the sports specific training so we can still have 5 sessions in a week but we allow the athletes more time to recover, because the sports specific sessions are not so exhausting and we can put more effort in S&C sessions, have one more session an drive towards those adaptations we want to see. And if we are done with this phase and created some adaptations we switch it up again, maybe we are closer to the competition phase now, sports specific training needs to be more intense and the S&C training needs to dial down. It’s always together, it’s a give and take.

Coach César Valentim (23:45)
When we started working, the Wien Taekwondo Centre approached you at the Sporthalle Wien, the S&C centre, the first thing we did was of course to explain what we are and who our players are. We did a sport analysis that was very detailed it specified our competition style and our sport demands, specifically for our team and you got a player profile, you got energetic demands, you got anthropometric data on our team, you got their schedule, you got some of the physical abilities we wanted our players to develop with each one of them, also their asymmetries, their little imbalances that we wanted to correct. So you got a lot of data that allowed you to work and create a velocity profiling, that would allow you to work on S&C, but on the other hand you also came to me and you said I want this and this and want the athlete to do this training based on their assessment and that was an interesting beginning of a conversation when we started a few years ago, allowing the athletes to correct, to develop and to make the corporation between the two of us grow more and more and closer together in the last few years. Does this happen as well with the other sports?

Coach Max Chyna (25:01)
It happens. It should happen. Not even should, it has to happen for it to work over a long period of time, so if this project is ongoing and the project is not only for 3 months and cooperation with the 2 sides will be ended, then it definitely needs to happen to work on something that is maybe 4 years ahead of you. And regarding the communication between the two coaches, S&C and head coach, there’s maybe even a bigger team behind all this, because when we get into high level competitions there is maybe nutrition as a very important aspect, as in Taekwondo because of the weight classes, a mental coach for mental training, physiotherapy maybe even alternate aspects that fuel the development of athletes. So you can create a bigger team around this, because we talked about the communication between S&C and head coach, but as the team gets bigger and bigger also communication becomes more important. Never forget, through this whole process, never forget the athlete, because in the end the athlete will be on the man and will be fighting so, I know we are important to, but lets not forget the athlete. The athlete is the most important part of this process and also the athlete needs to be integrated in this team for the communication.

Coach César Valentim (27:18)
One of the recent blog posts from Athlete Analyzer was actually mentioning the video analysis and the fact that most coaches forget to include the athlete in the video analysis. They do all the game analysis, they will have a statistic person doing the analysis and then they don’t  include the athlete. And yes the buy-in of the athlete in the platform and in the communications is very important. That is something that is mostly done if the entire staff, the coaching staff works together. In our case we have you as a head of S&C, me doing the periodization including S&C and technical, we have a physiotherapist, we have a nutritionist, James Morehen, who was already on our podcast, we have our physiotherapists ad they are involved. Most of them don’t really look at the periodization. I think my physiotherapist looks at the training reports, but they are present. They know the sport. The communication between the athletes is something that is important also with the coach, These days with the affordable technology I think it’s much easier than it used to be, when I started a few decades ago. We will do a little break and we will be right back.

Coach Max Chyna (28:32)

Thank you César.

<Ad>(28:36)- Hawkin dynamics
This podcast is supported by Hawkin dynamics. Hawkin dynamics believes that technology is most useful when it stays out of your way. That's why Hawkin developed the world’s first wireless force plate system with extreme usability. It is the quickest, easiest to use and most robust solution on the market. It is trusted by all sports organizations, large and small, as well as tactical military and rehabilitation environments around the globe. It's force testing in the palm of your hand. Here at Wien Taekwondo Centre, we use Hawkin dynamics to test and monitor our team. The cloud-based platform allows us to access data and publish a variety of reports on the go. My favorites are trend reports and of course, weight reports where I can monitor different metrics to view progress and identify performance indicators, or to compare weights to a baseline data range. I use it on a daily basis to identify readiness. A simple jumping test takes me less than a minute to assess the entire team. Having my own Hawkin dynamics force plates allows me to test reactive strength, maximum strength, rate of force development, asymmetry, and so much more. The real time feedback on the app is useful, not only for testing, but as a training tool, making it more accurate. And at the same time, more engaging for the athletes. If you are interested in learning more about Hawkin dynamics or getting your own, the team can be reached at info@hawkindynamics.com or on Instagram or Twitter @Hawkindynamics.

<Ad> (29:59)- Firstbeat

This podcast is sponsored by firstbeat sports. Firstbeat sports combines the most comprehensive analytics in team sports with a customizable interface to support real time monitoring, recovery monitoring, performance management and much more. The result: data driven decisions that support your athletes and team training, recovery and performance goals. Firstbeat sports is trusted by professionals, over 23 000 athletes representing over 1000 teams around the world rely on the solution to train and plan with confidence on a team and individual level using HRV based insights. For more information, please visit our website firstbeat.com/sports

<Ad> (30:42)- Athlete Analyzer
When talking about Taekwondo training, we need to talk about Athlete Analyzer. Athlete Analyzer is the first Taekwondo specific athlete monitoring system. It is used by both national teams, regional squads and small clubs to maximize performance, prevent injuries and communicate with both athletes and trainer teams, Athlete Analyzer is a cloud-based system with a friendly, smartphone app. You can plan and monitor every aspect of training, even when you are not in the gym with your team. The easy to use video analysis tool is not like anything you've seen. It helps you understand your athletes and even their opponents, making this app the only tool you need to manage your team. Before I used Athlete Analyzer, I spent an absurd amount of time in front of the computer, creating spreadsheets and using half a dozen software solutions. I have athletes in my center, but also abroad and with Athlete Analyzer it's much easier to communicate, plan and monitor their development. Now that I have extra time, I can focus on what matters: training my athletes. And it still leaves me some room to do other stuff like this Taekwondo podcast. Athlete Analyzer offers you a two weeks free trial. Visit them @athleteanalyzer.com to sign up or click on the link in the episode description to get the most of your free trial. I recommend you first book a free personal demonstration with Niklas. It'll give you a great insight of what Athlete Analyzer has to offer you and your team. It is well worth the time.

Announcer (31:58)
This is the Taekwondo podcast. Now back to your hosts César Valentim and Peter Nestler.

Coach César Valentim (32:15)
Welcome back. I am here talking to Max Chyna S&C coach for Taekwondo. Max, you’ve been involved with Taekwondo for a few years, but you are also involved with other sports. What’s the difference between Taekwondo players and other players in non-combat sports?

Coach Max Chyna (32:28)
I think a big difference is range of motion in the sport of Taekwondo, because your very end ranges and you need to be very strong at those. Or in other non-combat sports you also have great range of motion, but a high kick above head level or at head height, you do not see this in non-combat sports most of the times, maybe dancing or gymnastics, but its still different because you don’t need to apply force in this end range into an object. So this is probably one of the biggest differences. Another one is weight classes, because in most non-combat sports, let’s take playing sports like soccer, basketball you don’t have weight classes so a very big aspect of your periodization is not there. In Taekwondo it’s very important. It can make or break your schedule. With nutrition being so important, in the non-combat sports it allows you more room for training volume and other recovery times when you don have to fill in those aspects. Other than those two I think there are many similarities also than differences that you don’t see at first glance. And there will be, in sports, multi-plain movements. I have the feeling as we developed in the field of S&C we started to adapt different exercises and movements to be in a multi-plain fashion and not be so one dimensional. This will have a great improvement for athletes in non-combat sports because there are more levels to it then just up and down, forward-backward or just side to side. It’s a step-and -rotation most of the times and the same for combat sports,  but here it was more obvious at first because you have the kick where you spin so you know it’s rotation here. So I think this is more of a similarity than a difference, it just needed time to be visible and I think we are there.

Coach César Valentim (36:10)
That was actually a very interesting explanation, not only of that separates us but also of what puts us together and many of the exercises we do have a base in other sports. We share technologies, we share equipment. From basketball, to volleyball to fencing, when people look at them they think there’s nothing to do with Taekwondo, but it’s actually very similar. But when we look at those exercises, looking at all the feedback you get from the Taekwondo athletes, especially the ones that are in my team, what exercises do you prefer to prescribe to them? What are your favourite exercises? What do you have in your toolbox that you like to prescribe to the Taekwondo team?

Coach Max Chyna (36:52)
Because the core is so important, it’s the middle of every movement and you need to transition force from your hip all the way into your fist or from your upper body to your hip all the way  to your leg, I think the core is very important. And I really like anti-rotation work and rotation work, both, and use the pallof-press in a variety of styles. Also working  with landmine variations with the barbell to create more plains of movement. Those are two things that I really like to give your athletes here or that I like to give to a lot of athletes to develop. You can also say “chop-variations” there are different names for those movements, but it is always the same movement pattern, it just depends on how you label it. I really like those in the fashion of anti-rotation and creating rotation, so if we take those, take a simple pallof-press which is in a flat-axe stance and you have the weight on a cable or on a band, you press forward where you create your lever where you need to resist the rotation. That would be the anti-rotation variation. From this starting point you can create different stances of different leverages and also, lets take the same set up and press position, so I am already resisting the rotation but then I am trying to rotate away from my anker point and try to create more rotation and in a controlled manner coming back. So you have a very dynamic output of this exercise. And both are very important for not only Taekwondo, but specifically Taekwondo athletes and also other sports.

Coach César Valentim (39:33)
What do you think about weight lifting derivatives? Not the weight lifting per se, not the full clean and jerk and the snatches that are overhead movements, but the derivatives.

Coach Max Chyna (39:46)
I’m actually a big fan of any variations of cleans, jerks and snatches, also from the original list and it always depends on the athlete. First I think they are a  great contributor to developing power. It just hits a lot of aspects that we like to develop in athletes and for the original movements it takes a lot of mobility, basic strength and coordination. This can fit in your plan, maybe it needs some time until it pays off, but you can work with a lot of variations to get similar outputs. I suggest putting, depending on the phase of your training, putting some of these variations of these original lifts somewhere in your training plan, because it just hits a lot of the check marks on your development sheets. Lets just put out there the aspect of power development but also the aspect of moving a weight- or not moving a weight, but receiving a weight- because I am putting in the power, lets say the snatch, so I am accelerating the bar over my head and now I need to receive the bar. And this aspect is not the same as, lets say a simple jump. Because If I only want to create power I can also just jump  but I don’t have this aspect of the weight almost falling on to me, receiving it, balancing it out and standing up again. This I don’t get with just a jump. It needs time, it needs a certain amount of athleticism already to work with the snatch but if possible it is a good exercise to use and all variations of it.

Coach César Valentim (42:17)
That’s a very interesting position. I do like the weight lifting derivatives, but I think it takes a lot of time to learn the skill and most of the times we don’t have the time to learn those skills. Learning the derivatives, sure, it’s a little faster than learning the weight lifting movements themselves. It’s an Olympic sport, therefore very demanding, very precise. You need to have a crazy amount of skill in order to do them correctly. And the time you need for learning those skills  is time you are taking away from the sports specific, so I do like the derivatives, the weight lifting itself, the full clean, jerk and snatch are for me a little bit too much time that unfortunately I do not have. And even if you are a professional athlete it is time you are spending in the gym that is not time for Taekwondo.

Coach Max Chyna (43:07)
This is exactly the interesting part in the development. If you have the time and can use it there is another aspect, because you need to be precise, quick and powerful, like in different Taekwondo skills, you also need to be quick, powerful and precise, it’s a coordinated movement. So I am also not a weightlifter, I am not from that sport, but I like the idea of getting athletes to learn coordinated movements. We will not use a snatch or clean and jerk to its fullest potential because we are not trying to create weight lifters, we are still working with Taekwondo athletes and this is why just the idea of a jerk, let’s take a landmine press in a standing variation, so I have the barbell in one hand and it’s attached in the ground somewhere and I am in a split stance position and I am pushing and I can also do this in a very powerful way in a parallel stance and land in a kind of split and now I have a split-jerk variation just with one arm. So I have a variation of a jerk. The idea is the same. It is powerful, I have to receive again, I need to be precise, because the landmine has the possibility to fall off from the right or the left, so you really need to punch it out to be stable in your receiving position and you get all the benefits from it. But for an athlete to really understand the feeling of the landmine jerk. It always helps if they have a general idea of the original jerk so you apply the same feeling, the same intensity output. So just as a suggestion, you don’t need Olympic lifts for any other sports than Olympic weight lifting, that’s where you need it, but you sure can use it or use variations of it. It helps in many cases for your development goals.

Coach César Valentim (46:11)
You work based out of Austria in one of the high level centres in the world. You have access to a venue, to equipment that many people do not have, but you also have a lot of knowledge from the all the workshops, all the education possibilities. You yourself are a sports scientist and of course someone who likes to be on top of the most modern research and you have the background on sports science also with the more traditional research and older studies. So this is probably the hardest question of all: What’s in your toolbox that other S&C coaches don’t have?

Coach Max Chyna (46:46)
That’s actually a very tough question, because I see myself as a very general S&C coach, but what I can bring to the table, and I recommend this to a lot of people that are working in the field of S&C and I did not believe at first that it would be so important, it is to work with other people in your S&C field and the fields that are attached. Because not only will you learn so much, but you will be an expert in one specific field, the S&C field. You don’t have to be the expert for physiotherapy, it is not your field. It is attached, but you are not the expert you are a S&C coach. And what I can bring to the table now is a network of different experts that are sharing and caring for athletes. This brings more knowledge to the table and more practical applications for athletes than I could do by myself. And even if I would try to learn all this I wouldn’t do this all by myself. I do not have the time  to acquire all of this, I probably would not have the time to work with an athlete from all these perspectives, but if you have a team around you that can work very efficiently and economically this will help out a lot and will bring great progress. This is what I can bring to the table, so my work space. I am fortunate to be working at Sporthalle Wien, where we have a lot of experts from different sports and everyone has a background in sports science. Also the equipment there and the equipment from your club, being able to use force plates, acceleration-meters, it’s like a child’s dream come true, because you see all the toys in catalogues and then you get to play with them and use them when they can be used very purposefully, that’s just a great thing to have. And this comes with a network of people, it’s really difficult to acquire it all yourself. So start to cooperate within your field and then get the competition back on the mat with the athletes. But in first place cooperate, work together, share knowledge and make your sport better.

Coach César Valentim (50:22)
We have, of course, one of the favourite toys I own are the Hawkin dynamics force plates, the first beat, the heart rate variability sensors, from the sports band all the way to the body guard that they can use for 24 hours and give us great assessments. The output sports, or even older accelerometers the older accelerometers that we use, but when I go to Sporthalle I have the E-gym strength training machines, I have the air compressor Keiser machines, that allow me to work, I have Eleiko bar bells. This equipment it actually is, we always call it, “our playground” as coaches we have all the toys there that we like. We invest more in S&C equipment than in Taekwondo equipment. And then we do it in our own cars, our own apartments, but Sporthalle is definitely the dream of any S&C coach. Can you tell us where our listeners can find you? What are your handles, your social media, your Sporthalle Wien handles? 

Coach Max Chyna (51:26)
So you can find Sporthalle Wien in Vienna in the 8th district. You can find us online under www.sporthalle.at and you can also find us on Instagram. It’s @Sporthalle, you will definitely find us. Regarding the question what I can bring to the table, I talked about networking and the other aspect is not necessary but it is a good addition: When a coach still does what he preaches. I think you can boil it down to this. If you have a coach who knows how the programs feel or knows how the exercise should feel, because he has done it himself or he can do it himself. It’s not necessary, you can be a good coach and there are very good coaches that are not able or not able anymore to do certain things, but to connect with an athlete in certain moments, it helps. Also regarding injury and the process of rehab, so a more severe injury, if you have had an operation. Because you can not imagine how it feels for a different person, even if you’ve had the same injury. Its never the same, but you can talk about different sensations that are similar. If someone else has also done it or endured it, you can connect on different levels and it can help sometimes. And besides all the theory and some studies, I also bring a lot of practical applications  by myself to the table.

Coach César Valentim (54:02)
Thank you Max. It was a pleasure being here with you and everyone that is listening. .This was the Taekwondo Podcast. If you haven’t already listened to our other episodes, they are available online, wherever you listen to your podcasts. We are releasing new episodes every tuesday. Stay tuned, subscribe to our podcast, leave us a positive review and share it with your  friends. See you next time!

Announcer (54:21)
You've been listening to the Taekwondo podcast, keeping the fans, coaches, and high performance athletes up to date with the latest news and trends on Olympic Taekwondo your host coach César Valentim has all almost 20 years of experience with high performance Taekwondo and has worked all around the world. As a Taekwondo trainer. Peter Nestler has been teaching Taekwondo for more than 20 years, and he's currently one of the top referees in Europe. We hope you enjoyed the show, make sure to like, rate and review and we'll be back soon. But in the meantime, find us on instagram @taekwondopodcast on Facebook @taekwondocast and the website taekwondopodcast.com. See you next time.

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